MESA does its best to ensure our specifications are as clear as possible. However, there are times during the Engineering Design Process rules need to be clarified. In those instances student participants may submit Specification Clarification Questions. Specification Clarification questions must be emailed to Questions should be discussed with MESA teachers prior to submission. Submitted questions should include your name, your school, and the MESA teacher should be copied on the email.
Question: If we have multiple teams working on the National Competition up to regionals does each team need to submit a design proposal by December 2?
- Response: Yes. each team should submit a design proposal. Once the MESA Day team is identified the score for their design proposal will carry forward for MESA Day.
Question: Can we 3D print our glider, or would this be considered a pre-created model?
- Answer: As long as the design of the glider is original work of the team then a 3D printed model would be allowed. MESA reserves the right to compare designs with publicly available models on sites like Thingiverse to determine if it is the team's original work.
Question: Can we use parts from other robotics or car kits as long as we do not use the entire kit?
- Answer: Yes, the objective is that students design and build their own vehicle and not just add a weapon to something pre-built or a full kit. The general rule of thumb is that your vehicle should not be more than 50% from one kit.
Question: Can we use Nickel Hydride Batteries (NiMH)?
- Answer: No, these are considered wet cell batteries. The purpose for this limitation is to eliminate the potential for leaks releasing hazardous or combustible material.
Question: Can we use Sodium-ion batteries?
- Answer: Yes, these batteries have the similar safety ratings as alkaline batteries.
Question: Can teams submit digital models and if so, can we use Roblox?
- Answer: Digital Models will not be accepted for MESA Day. There was a mistake in the materials sections of the specifications. In that section it states, "Digital Models will be accepted." but that was a typo, and it should have read "Digital Models will not be accepted." We will correct this and update the specs on the website. If your team has been creating a digital model in preparation for regionals teams can use that model but physical models will be required at MESA Day.
Question: Can adhesives (tape, glue, etc.) be used as part of the payload for high schools?
- Answer - Yes the can be used as part of the payload. However, the payload cannot be attached to the helicopter during specification check so teams should plan for that.
Question: Can a paper cup or paper straw be part of the paper used?
- Answer: Yes, as long as the cup or straw is only made of paper. Items that contain a coating like wax are not allowed.
Question: Is there a maximum size?
- Answer: No, there is no maximum size
Question: Does cardboard count as paper?
- Answer: Yes, you can use cardboard as it is a type of paper. This would also apply to other types of paper like construction paper or newsprint.
Question: Can we glue the paper together or is it solely paper
- Answer: No, the only allowable material is paper. The use of glue is prohibited.
Question: Is it against the rules if my student team build a device that can hold the helicopter steady before dropping it? There is always human error with some just using his/her hand. No where in the specifications say you can’t build a device
- Answer: Yes, your team can use a device to hold the helicopter steady before dropping it. MESA cannot guarantee the location of the drop at MESA Day and there will be a place to use any such a device.
Question: The current specs say that there will be one computer for each team. Confirming that this is a change from last year.
- Answer: This is a minimum. Teams are asked to bring their own machines and we will do our best to provide additional mahcines for student use. If there are enough machines each student will be able to use their own machine to participate.
Question: Are there resources to help with the questions?
- Answer: Yes, we have resources listed with the specs on our website. Visit the page at
Question: Is there a way to tell the difference between Base 32 and Base 64?
- Answer: Yes, generally if the string of characters ends with an"=" it is Base 32, and if it ends with "==" it is Base 64
Question: How many computers can a team use during the event?
- Answer: Each team will be allowed to use one computer but there will be other tasks students to assist in answering questions and students can take turns using the computer.