...it’s not enough for our country just to be proud of you. We’ve also got to support you. We’ve got to make sure that young people like you are going to keep on having what you need to discover and experiment and to innovate.
- President Barack Obama, addressing the White House Science Fair March 23, 2015
Per the education Commission of the States' Vital Signs report on Arizona:
- Between 2017 and 2027 STEM jobs will grow 21% compared to only 15% for all other jobs
- Yet only 68.1% of students that began a 4-year degree program in 2011 graduate by 2017
- Only 23.8% of certificates and degrees awarded in Arizona were in STEM Fields
Based on data on students that participated in MESA between 2005 and 2015:
- Students who participated in MESA for 3+ years were three (3) times more likely to pursue a STEM degree than students with similar demographic information.
- Students who participated in MESA for 3+ years were four (4) times more liked to earn a Bachelor’s degree than students with similar demographic information.
- Students who participate in MESA in high school are four (4) times more likely to earn a Bachelor’s degree and twelve (12) times more likely to earn a Master’s degree than students with similar demographic information.
- AZMESA alums earned 147 Associate’s degrees, 156 professional certificates, 396 Bachelor’s degrees, 40 Master’s degrees, and 4 Doctoral degrees.
- 44.7% finished college with a STEM degree
The success of the MESA program is a direct result of collaboration between K-12 Schools, University Sponsors, and Industry Partners. Schools are able to provide students opportunities to explore STEM fields and learn the Engineering Design Process in a low stakes yet competitive environment where students can learn the Engineering Design Process and solve real world challenges. University sponsors and Industry Partners can then supplement what schools offer through the development of STEM curriculum, dedication of resources, and access to STEM professionals who can provide both technical expertsie and serve as role models who can share their experiences in STEM.
Together we can work to fill Arizona's STEM needs with a diverse group of talented youth who may not have chosen STEM otherwise.

The partnerships MESA creates with K12, Higher Education, and Industry are vital to the success of the program. From advisory roles to funding to mentorship and more our partners expand the reach and impact of MESA.

Mentors can do more to help a student reach new heights than a bottle rocket ever can. Share your experiences and expertise to help our students explore STEM.

Think for a minute about the people who helped you imagine yourself where you are today and it will be clear that professional volunteers have an important role to play in MESA. Your involvement can inspire Arizona students to follow in your footsteps and become the science, technology and engineering professionals our state and our nation need.

Be an Active Alum
MESA is an experience that stays with you forever. If you participated in MESA you know that it's more than mousetrap cars and bridges. Share your path after MESA.