Nayleth Ramirez

Systems Test Engineer
Degrees, Licenses, Certifications
- BS Systems Engineering with a minor in Cyber Security, The University of Arizona
- Masters System Engineering & Technology Management (in progress), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Managing Technical Organizations Certificate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Leading Change and Innovation Certificate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Nayleth's Story
MESA really provided me the self confidence that I now have and taught me to trust that I am capable of doing what I set my mind too. I still vividly remember the MESA competitions and how fun it was to go to the University of Arizona and Arizona State University to compete with other MESA teams. I learned so much during those years, made great friends and most importantly those experiences motivated me to pursue a college degree in engineering!
These foundation experiences encouraged me to engage in other wonderful opportunities when I was a student at the University of Arizona. As a student I joined the UA chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) where I served in many leadership roles and made great connections that have continued after graduation. I also actively pursued opportunities with study abroad and was able to visit places like Paris, Shanghai, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and Hawaii.
As a student I was able to participate in an internship with Raytheon. This internship lead me to a full-time job with Raytheon after graduating from the University of Arizona. Once I started working as a full-time engineer at Raytheon, I quickly realized that I wanted to continue my studies and started a Masters in Engineering in Systems Engineering & Technology Management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I am extremely excited as I will be completing the program this upcoming May 2024!
All these opportunities that I have been able to be part of are evidence that low-income, first-generation, Mexican -American students like me can have many successes. I want the next generation of students to know that although it will be hard, the sky is the limit and they are capable of so many things. That is why I feel is is important to share my personal story and continue to give back to these communities that did so much for me when I was young and exploring STEM. I have been fortunate to be able to share my story as a volunteer, panelist and keynote speaker at events like MESA Day, SheTech, Noche de Ciencias, Imagine your STEM Future, San Miguel Alumni Panel, Advancement of Latinx in Engineering, RAYS Days, Equipando Padres University, and more. So if you see me at the next MESA event please say hi.